As a surgeon in the OR, we rely on the scrub nurse and circulating nurses as a part of our team. Before a case starts, sterile supplies and equipment need to be opened and put out on a table by a sterile scrub nurse. An anticipated number of certain items such as sponges, sutures, clips, are opened but often more of these items are required, sometimes quickly, during the case. During these moments, we rely on the circulating nurse to find the item and open it, handing it to the scrub nurse. Sometimes too many items are opened and not needed during the case - leading to waste. I propose a vending machine technology that has the items filled in a sterile manner and can dispense the items with voice command. A surgeon or nurse can speak out loud "2-0 undyed polysorb tapered" or call out a "bin number" and then that item will release into a tray that the sterile surgeon or nurse can access. This system will help when the circulating nurse may be involved in another task such as preparing pathology specimens and will minimize delays. It may also allow for less items to be opened at the beginning of the case, and allow for more specific usage.